Saturday, June 25, 2005


It's been a very interesting experience letting people know that I am going into the Peace Corps. For the longest time while I was applying, I wasn't really sure if I would be accepted or not. I just told people that I was applying and had a fairly good chance at getting in. Everyone was so incredibly enthusiastic, told me how much they had always wanted to apply, told me how brave I was, how jealous they were.

Then I found out I am going to Bangladesh.

Now when I tell these same people the country that I have finally been chosen to go to, I usually get a blank "oh my gosh, I know I should say something nice, but I just can't think of anything!" stare. Looks of absolute horror! Come on people, what do you think Peace Corps is for? Bangladesh is one of the poorest countries in the world and needs a little help! This is why I am going there.

I guess a lot of people just have this very romantic image of Peace Corps. They envision volunteers living in cute little grass huts in some lush countryside. It's picture perfect - but it's not always reality. The reality is that Peace Corps goes to the countries it does for a reason. There is extreme poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, corruption, and yes, even violence.
I know when I get these horrified looks, its because my friends and family are worried about me. Maybe they know something I don't, but all I know is that I want to help. I know I'm being incredibly idealistic, but I feel like I can help too. If I wanted a vacation, I would save up my money and take one. But I want to go somewhere where I can do some good, and where it'll be a challenge for me. I want to expand my horizons and really push myself. I know Bangladesh will be extremely difficult at times, but I think it will be worth it.

Friday, June 24, 2005


Let me give a proper introduction of myself and why I have started this weblog.

My name is Kathryn, and I'm 24 years old. I am from a fairly small (45,000) town in Kansas. I've lived here almost my entire life, except for the two years I lived in Germany as an exchange student. The first time I lived in Germany was right after I graduated high school. I went with an exchange student program and lived with a host family. Two years later, I got a scholarship to study at a university in Germany for another year. That time I lived in a student dorm.
Those two years completely changed my life, and ever since then, I have had a terrible case of Wanderlust. The thing is though, I don't want to just travel (although I'll take it when I can get it!). I got spoiled by living in Germany. I want to go to other places, other countries, and LIVE there. I want to really get to know the place and people and culture.

And so, I will get my chance again come August 11, 2005. I am joining the Peace Corps and moving to Bangladesh! The first three months will be training - language, cultural, technical, safety, health, etc. Then in November, my two years of service will begin. I will be doing secondary English teaching as my primary job. I can't get more specific about the job at this point, because that is really all I know about it. It sounds like Peace Corps will kind of assess my skills and preferences during the 3 months of training, and then decide about half-way through the training where I will go in Bangladesh and what exactly I will do. I will also be responsible for coming up with some kind of secondary project to work on. Apparently the school system doesn't function very regularly, so I will have quite a bit of time for this secondary project. I don't know yet what my project will be, but I'll come up with something once I get there and see what the community's wishes and needs are. (I also hope to have plenty of time to study for my GRE!)

I'm not exactly sure where in Bangladesh I will be either. The training will be in some city near the capital of Dhaka, and after that, all the volunteers will be scattered throughout the country. For about the first six months, I will live with a host family. After that, it is up to me to decide if I want to live in an apartment or continue living with a host family or what.

Considering how much I tend to worry about things, I am amazingly calm about all these uncertainties. Maybe it's because I've gotten used to Peace Corps telling me all the time that I shoud be patient, expect the unexpected, be flexible, etc. etc. etc. Maybe all these years of giving orientations to high school foreign exchange students have rubbed off on me.

Or maybe I'm just crazy. :)

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Welcome to my blog!

In August I will be moving to Bangladesh to begin two years of Peace Corps service. I'm not sure how regular my internet access will be, but I will try to keep this blog going to update all my friends and family out there. Eventually I hope to add links and pictures and all sorts of fun stuff to keep you all interested! Please take a look around, and if you have any comments, questions, or other misc. ramblings, please let me know! (Especially if you have any fun html codes, because I am a complete newbie at this!)