Saturday, June 25, 2005


It's been a very interesting experience letting people know that I am going into the Peace Corps. For the longest time while I was applying, I wasn't really sure if I would be accepted or not. I just told people that I was applying and had a fairly good chance at getting in. Everyone was so incredibly enthusiastic, told me how much they had always wanted to apply, told me how brave I was, how jealous they were.

Then I found out I am going to Bangladesh.

Now when I tell these same people the country that I have finally been chosen to go to, I usually get a blank "oh my gosh, I know I should say something nice, but I just can't think of anything!" stare. Looks of absolute horror! Come on people, what do you think Peace Corps is for? Bangladesh is one of the poorest countries in the world and needs a little help! This is why I am going there.

I guess a lot of people just have this very romantic image of Peace Corps. They envision volunteers living in cute little grass huts in some lush countryside. It's picture perfect - but it's not always reality. The reality is that Peace Corps goes to the countries it does for a reason. There is extreme poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, corruption, and yes, even violence.
I know when I get these horrified looks, its because my friends and family are worried about me. Maybe they know something I don't, but all I know is that I want to help. I know I'm being incredibly idealistic, but I feel like I can help too. If I wanted a vacation, I would save up my money and take one. But I want to go somewhere where I can do some good, and where it'll be a challenge for me. I want to expand my horizons and really push myself. I know Bangladesh will be extremely difficult at times, but I think it will be worth it.


At Tuesday, June 28, 2005 9:20:00 PM, Blogger Lindsay Miesko said...

This is so exciting for you! I can't wait until I get my placement so I can really start researching and gearing up.

At Thursday, June 30, 2005 3:19:00 AM, Blogger Dirty Flamingo said...

Thanks for that! And you're welcome! I will add your blog as a link on my can never have too many Peace Corps link.

Bangladesh sounds soooo great! I'll def read up on your adventures!

good luck with preparations and all of that!

At Sunday, July 03, 2005 2:49:00 PM, Blogger L Lawson said...

Your safety is Peace Corps #1 concern. Worry is a waste.

Just be thankful you're leaving the ingorant behind for a couple of years.

Maybe you can educate them....

At Monday, July 04, 2005 9:59:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi! i discovered your site through the inevitable link of blogs. congratulations on all that's happening with your peace corps assignment and i'm looking forward to hearing about what you are learning before you go and once you are in country! good luck!

At Thursday, July 07, 2005 11:40:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there,
I found your website while searching for Xanga blogrings about the peace corps. I'm excited for you! I plan to follow your journey. I've considered joining myself, but am not sure if I will or not. It'll be awesome to read about all the things you're going to experience! Are you still going to post on Xanga at all, or no? :)


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