Tuesday, June 20, 2006

"An Inconvenient Truth" by Al Gore

If there is one movie you see this year...no, make that this decade, it should be this movie. I got to see it a few days ago, and it was amazing. I wasn't exactly thrilled about it at first, thinking it was going to be another boring movie about global warming. Well it is about global warming, mostly, but boring it is not. I was on the edge of my seat through the whole thing. It's about the world we live in and everything we are doing now that is having a major effect on the world. It talks about the reasons for the major storms we have been having the past few years. The movie examines the conspiracy theory about how global warming doesn't actually exist, and gives some very compelling answers. It examines so many different problems in the world that I never even knew were all interconnected. It is not by any means a feel good movie, but you leave feeling changed and determined to do something.
Even if you don't like Al Gore, please try to overlook that. Watch the movie, learn from it, and do something about it. This is too important of an issue to disregard because of partisan bickering.
Please, find out more about the movie and the issues at: http://www.climatecrisis.net/


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