On hold
So the waiting game begins again, and this time I'm not sure if I'll even be rewarded for the wait. I've gotten some very bad news from Peace Corps. I've been medically deferred for two years! I don't want to go into the details of it here, but essentially it means that the medical office wants to defer me for two years before they'll look at my file again to decide if they'll give me medical clearance to reenroll with the Peace Corps. I'm shocked and disappointed by this. I also think it's a big mistake, so I plan to appeal the decision. I'm confident I can provide the proof that their reasoning behind the deferral is in error, but you can never be sure how an appeal will turn out. Plus it could take months! Apparently the appeals board only reviews one or two appeals a week. I had hoped that after coming home in December I would only be in the States for a few months before being assigned to another country. Now I'm not sure that's going to happen any time soon. Gah! I'm ready to get going again!
So sorry to hear that you're getting tied up in the red tape. You were healthy enough for Bangladesh but not somewhere else? How odd.
Good luck with the appeal. Keep us posted on your situation.
Hey girl. Hang in there! Sorry about the April Fools' joke... well, not really. Mom said she better not be the only one I got with it, so I knew you'd fall for it. So blame her! Love ya sis.
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